Archive of popular Urdu prints
Tasveer-e Urdu is a growing archive for documenting diversity in the visual print culture of Urdu in India and South Asia.
A project supported by India Foundation for the Arts, Bangalore.
Click for UrduCall for Papers (IS CLOSED NOW)
International Conference on
The Popular Culture of Urdu Language

To be held at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
on 8-10 September 2017

Tasveer-e Urdu and the Centre for Indian Languages (SLLCS), Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi), plan to hold a 3-day conference on the popular culture of Urdu language on 8-10 September 2017 in New Delhi. We seek proposals of presentations that can lead to engaging discussions on the theme, which has been outlined in our concept note. A short abstract (not more than one page) should be sent in Urdu or English, with a short bio of the presenter’s past work, latest by 10 April 2017 to If your abstract/concept is selected for participation, you will be expected to write and submit the full paper (5000 to 8000 words, in Urdu or English) by August 15, 2017. Kindly download/read the following documents:

Short concept note about this conference (in English)
Short concept note about this conference (in Urdu)
Urdu as a Language of Popular Entertainment (a longer concept note)
Ishtihar Tasveeren: Visual Culture of Early Urdu Magazines (a visual essay)

Looking forward to your proposals soon.

Convener: Prof. Mazhar Hussain, Centre for Indian Languages, JNU.
Concept and Coordination: Yousuf Saeed, independent filmmaker and researcher.

This conference is supported by the India Foundation for the Arts, Bangalore, under the Arts Research Programme.

What is Tasveer-e Urdu

IFA, Bangalore